What is Laravel?

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework. Create by Taylor Otwell and independent for the development of the web applications following the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture pattern and base on Symfony. Symfony is a PHP web application framework and set a reusable PHP components library.
Feature’s In Laravel?
- MCV Architecture Pattern

Laravel supports the MVC architecture pattern which ensures separate business logic and presentation layer.MVC pattern of Laravel has a lot of built-in functions, improves application performance, and increase security as well as scalability.
2. Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping)

Laravel framework offers the Eloquent ORM that includes a simple PHP active record implementation. it lets the web app developers issue database queries issues database queries with PHP syntax rather than writing SQL code.
Every table in the database possesses a corresponding model through which the developer interacts with the said table and ORM is relatively faster than all other PHP frameworks.
3. Security
Application security is one of the most important concerns in web application development. while developing an application, every programmer has to use some efficient way to make secure. Laravel takes care of the web application security within its own framework.
4. Artisan

Laravel offers a built-in tool for the command line is known as Artison which allows performing the majority of those tedious and repetitive programming take that many PHP developers to avoid performing manually.
These artisans can also be utilized to create the database structure, a skeleton code, and build their migrations that become pretty easy-to-manage the database system.
In addition, It can be interlaced to generate the basic. MVC files right away through the command-line and manages those assets and their respective configurations. Artisan even helps developers to create their own command and do convenient things with it.
5. Template Engine

The best PHP framework is highly acknowledged for its inbuild lightweight template that helps you create an amazing layout using dynamic content seeding. IN addition to this, It has multiple widgets incorporating CSS, JS code with a solid structure. The template of the Laravel framework is innovatively designed to create a simple layout with distinctive sections.
6. Modularity
Laravel provides 20 built-in libraries and modules which help in the enhancement of the application. Every module is integrated with the Composer dependency manager which eases updates.
7. Testability
Laravel includes features and helpers which helps in testing through various test cases. This feature helps in maintaining the code as per the requirements.
8. Routing
Laravel provides a flexible approach to the user to define routes in the web application. Routing helps to scale the application in a better way and increases its performance.
9. Authentication
User authentication is a common feature in web applications. Laravel eases designing authentication as it includes features such as register, forgot password, and send password reminders.
10. Redis
Laravel uses Redis to connect to an existing session and general-purpose cache. Redis interacts with the session directly.
In this article, I briefly explain what is Laravel. what are the features in Laravel?. I hope you have an idea about Laravel and also I hope to talk about the next article on how to setup Laravel development.